早餐真的是一天中最重要的一餐嗎?像很多營養科學傢一樣,生物化學傢特倫斯 基萊教授並不這樣認為。他備受爭議的新書再次激起瞭辯論。作者特倫斯 基萊所著《早餐是危險的一餐》現在已經發行第四版瞭。
Is breakfast really toast?
譯者:MaZhuzu原文作者:Terence Kealey
Why does breakfast have its own PR? Nobody tries to encourage us to eat lunch, and a sense of disapproval can hang over too large a dinner, but breakfast? Oh, it’s the most important meal of the day and we should eat it like a king.
The words “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” first appeared a hundred years ago, in 1917, in Good Health, the oldest health magazine in the world, which was edited by ... Dr John Kellogg. Yes that Dr Kellogg, from Michigan, the man who in 1894, with his brother Will, invented cornflakes.
“早餐是一天中最重要的一餐”這句話最早出現在一百年前,即1917年在世界上最古老的健康雜志Good Health上,該雜志由約翰 凱洛格醫生編輯。沒錯,就是那個來自密歇根的凱洛格醫生,他在1894年和兄弟威廉發明瞭玉米片。
Cornflakes were the original processed food. As Felicity Lawrence wrote in her 2008 book Eat Your Heart Out, to flake the corn “the nutritious germ with its essential fats is first removed because, as the Kellogg brothers discovered all that time ago, it goes rancid over time and gets in the way of long shelf life”.
玉米片是原始的加工食品。正如費莉希蒂 勞倫斯在她2008年的書Eat Your Heart Out中寫道,要把玉米加工成薄片,“營養胚芽和它基本的脂肪首先被去除,因為,就像凱洛格兄弟當時發現的一樣,它會隨著時間推移而變質並縮短保質期”。
Today, therefore, breakfast cereals are consumed as nutritionally-depleted calorie- and carbohydrate-fests, laden with sugar, starch and milk, and it is hard to think of a less healthy dish than a pre-packaged industrially- processed ready-to-eat cereal to set before the king.Public Health Englandreported this week that children are eating three times as much sugar as they should, and that the rot sets in with breakfast which, by providing on average the equivalent of three cubes or 11 grams of sugar, supplies in itself half the recommended daily intake. No wonder people suppose that eating the cardboard package would be safer than eating the carbohydrate cereal.
But bread and honey are no better either, because science shows that morning is a uniquely dangerous time to eat. We wake in the mornings because a hormone called cortisol rises at daybreak, and though this hormone wakes us up, it also raises our blood glucose levels. Nobody knows why it does that, yet since raised blood glucose levels are dangerous, and since most people tend not to be hungry in the mornings, that lack of morning hunger seems to be nature's way of protecting us from a dangerous meal.
I discovered the dangers of breakfast in 2010 when, at the age of 58, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Anyone can buy inexpensive blood glucose testing kits at their local chemist, and when I tested my blood glucose levels I discovered they rose alarmingly after breakfast but only modestly after other meals. And because I am both a doctor and a biochemist, it was easy for me to find that the scientific journals had confirmed that danger. Yet those findings are being ignored by the mass of dieticians, who – like many scientists and technologists throughout history – seem reluctant to acknowledge their attachment to error. Indeed, theresearch papersshow that breakfast is dangerous for everyone, not just diabetics.
So, for example, it is a myth that breakfast induces such fullness or satiety that people eat less at lunch. Every experimental study shows that breakfast only adds to the total calories a person consumes. Even worse, because of the cortisol-induced morning spikes in glucose, breakfast can actually fuel hunger, and the consumption of many a mid-morning muffin or mid-afternoon teacake can be traced back to the metabolic trauma that is breakfast.
The global market for breakfast cereals is huge (sales are expected to reach $43.2bn annually by 2019) and to support their marketing, cereal companies will fund research that purportedly supports the benefits of eating a big meal first thing. But when researchers do proper science (ie, actual experiments) and when they test breakfast on people, they find only the consumption of excess calories.
Two thirds of the people of North America or Britain are today overweight or obese, and soon no fewer than 10 percent of us will suffer from type 2 diabetes: that we should be encouraged to eat an unnecessary meal is, therefore, little short of a scandal.
There are, of course, people who cannot function without breakfast, just as there are people so nauseated by food in the mornings that they will not eat a crumb. But most people are malleable about breakfast, which they will eat if instructed but, equally, which they would skip if instructed. Most people, indeed, if left alone, would probably fall into the weekend habit of eating only two meals a day, brunch and supper, which is healthier than our current three-meals-a-day habit. The Mediterraneans of the Mediterranean Diet, moreover, generally skip breakfast.
My book is directed at people who eat breakfast out of a misplaced sense of biochemical duty. It is also directed at the minority who believe they cannot function without it because it reveals how they might learn to skip it and so discover more energy over the course of the day.
本譯文僅用於學習和交流目的。非商業轉載請註明譯者、出處,並保留文章在譯言的完整鏈接。商業合作請聯系 editor@yeeyan.com 參考原文地址:https://www.the-pool.com/food-home/food-honestly/2017/1/terence-kealey-breakfast-is-a-dangerous-meal?nsukey=%2BmfZr%2FOoHXiti17ZLg7GVBnGFSnhdHFEpjDL8xKYjpKmz%2Bx%2FzbrVzl2o6tnPxZRoE7EvWyX8MUQVhf0pkfyPZAPnrYdgSwQ7JjOWH21Nj4TldKddb1vQyG9sXhjnQcQDtRBF1BKnlm1
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